Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009.
1. Complete reading of "The Interlopers"
2. Summer reading TEST today: Running Loose/Watership Down
3. Complete Literary Elements graphic organizer for "The Interlopers" (or finish for homework).

Tuesday, September 1, 2009.
1. Pop-quiz on Flowers for Algernon pp. 83-113

2. Review literary elements of plot, setting, theme, character, and point of view for short story"The Interlopers" pp. 8-13, clarifying plot elements and point of view with evidence from the text.

3. Discussed "handicaps and equality." Began reading "Harrison Bergeron" p. 20 in lit book.
We will continue reading in class tomorrow.

REMINDER: Lessons I and II Vocabulary definitions, part of speech and a sentence for each word are due Thursday, 9/4.