Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012. (All classes)

Copy and review rules for hyphen usage. Elements of Language textbook, p. 768-769. Write down rules for hyphens: 25 j, 25 k, 25 l, and all the examples.

Complete Exercise 6 "Hyphenating Words Correctly" 1-10 following example.

Misplaced Clause Modifiers: Copy examples on page 630: Misplaced and Clear and then complete Exercise 8: 1-10: Write down the complete incorrect sentence, bracket the dependent clause, then draw an arrow to the word the dependent clause modifies; then correct this misplaced modifier in a new sentence, drawing the bracket and arrow as well. Skip a line.

Vocabulary Words for Periods 1-5: Look up the definitions for homework:

I Had Seen Castles Vocabulary List 1

1. maim v.
2. resonate v.
3. alter v.
4. lament v.
5. swoon v.
6. clairvoyance n.
7. banter n.
8. despicable adj.
9. brazen adj.
10.profound adj.

Vocabulary for CP Per. 7:

I Had Seen Castles Vocabulary List : CP

1. maim
2. collapse
3. resonate
4. exhort
5. alter
6. lament
7. swoon


8. clairvoyance
9. jalopy
10. endurance
11. banter
12. reverie
13. destitution


14. despicable
15. brazen
16. profound
17. insatiable