Monday, November 18, 2013.
Per. 1-3
1. Continue with DLA
2. Turn in Sentences for List #6
3. Vocabulary Quiz # 6: Tuesday, Nov. 14.
Per. 5-6
1. Collect Syntax sentences for SAT List # 11 (Put in box by end of the day. No Late work will be accepted.)
1. SAT Vocabulary Quiz #11
2. Continue with DLA Persuasive Essay Outline or complete for homework.
DLA Persuasive Essay Prompt:
READ: We do not take the time to determine right from wring. Reflecting on the difference between right and wrong is hard work. It is so much easier to follow the crowd, going along with what is popular rather than risking the disapproval of others by voicing an objection of any kind.
Adapted from Stephen J. Carter, Integrity
Prompt: Is it always best to determine one's views of right and wrong, OR can we benefit from following the crowd? Write your outline first, then
Write an essay stating your position.