Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014.

Per. 1-3

1.  Discussed differences between two questions in SAR # 3.

2.  Night:  Completed reading of memoir. Discussed ending.

3.  HOMEWORK: Work on SAR # 3.  Find free PDF of book online.

Per. 5-6

1.  Discussed process for revision of Ngt SAR # 1; those who completed the long revision turned it in.

2.  Turned in two previous revisions of Ngt SARs 1 & 2 with first drafts stapled to the back.

3.  I Had Seen Castles:  Discussed the first half of the novel.

HOMEWORK:  Transfer Night SAR # 4 (Chapter 7) from Edmodo to the template. 
Bring tomorrow.