Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012.

Thursday, September 27, 2012.

Periods 1-3

1.  SSR and LOG

2.  "A Sound of Thunder" Reading Quiz

3.  Began reading "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury, annotating and underlining/highlighting for setting, sensory details, and MOOD.

Periods 5 -7

1.  Vocabulary Lessons VII and VIII review and workbook check. Vocabulary quiz tomorrow.

2.  Picked up "ASound of Thunder" Sentence Modeling homework.

3.  Passed out PSAT words to add to vocabulary list:  ethereal, pungent, curmudgeon, banter, cryptic, raze, yen, paramount, opine, and convoluted.

4. Passed out to Period 7 GUM workbooks to write student names on them as well as PSAT booklets for practice at home.  Will distribute to Period 5 tomorrow.  Test over literary terms and short stories next week.  From Literary Terms handout, we checked off terms studied in class.

5.  Began reading "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury, annotating and underlining for setting, sensory details, and MOOD.