Tuesday, September 18, 2012.
Periods 1 - 3
1. SSR and LOG
2. Vocabulary PSAT List #1 Review
3. PSAT Voc.Quiz 1
4. Work on "There Will Come Soft Rains" comprehension questions. Old book: pg. 87; New text: pg. 324 (Go to My.hrw.com Username: nterry68 Password: p3x6x to access book online. Complete for HOMEWORK.
Periods 5-7
1. Discussed Tone in literature. Students viewed clip on Farenheit 451 that expresses Bradbury's angry tone when speaking about the burning of the books. Bradbury's attitude and love toward books is expressed in this scene with an angry protagonist berating a naive conformist. Passed out handout on "Voice in Writing--A Writer's Fingerprint."
2. Picked up homework questions for "There Will Come Soft Rains"
3. Discussed how life experiences influenced Bradbury's writing and how writing helped him come to terms with traumatic experience with John Houston while in Ireland.
4. Completed film and reviewed film questions. Keep questions for further study.