Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013.

Periods 1-3

1.  Synonyms-Connotation-Denotation Warm-up: "Let's Party"

2.  "In a Station of the Metro" by Ezra Pound  Synonyms-Antonyms-Connotation-Denotation activity.
3.  Checked homework reading novel and logs.

4.  Finish poem.  Read your novel 15 minutes minimum.

Periods 5-6

1.  Picked up SAT Sentences for List # 5.
2.  Picked up "The Pedestrian" song assignment
3.  SAT Vocabulary Quiz # 5.
4.  Warm-up "Let's Party" Synonyms-Connotation-Denotation activity warm-up.