Thursday, January 7, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010
1. Vocabulary Quiz XVI (16).
2. Essay on "The Ultimate Gift":
Write a one-two page essay, single-spaced on the following prompt:
If you could give someone anything you wanted, what would be the ultimate gift that you would give to change this person’s life forever?
1) Do not forget to describe in detail the gift.
2) Describe and explain how the person’s life will change
3. Homework grade: Checked reading log, physical book, and page numbers.
Monday, grade: 80%.

Thursday, January 7, 2010
1. "From Night" quiz.
2. Review of Vocabulary Lesson XVI (16) pp. 27-28 + definitions + sentences.
3. Introduction of "Night" poem assignment. Due: Thursday, 1/14
Note: Please ask for handouts.

a. Voc. Quiz 16 [+ five "Night" words: din, emaciated, interminable, notorious, stature] tomorrow.
b. Bring independent reading log and physical novel tomorrow.