Tuesday, January 5
Happy New Year 2010!
English 2B Expectations: Copy these on a sheet of paper.
1. I must arrive on time and be in my seat ready to learn at the ring of the bell. If I have an assignment to turn in, I need to have it ready on my desk, not in my backpack. If I am tardy, I need to obtain my tardy slip before coming to class.
2. While in class, I need to be respectful and on task at ALL TIMES. Petty talk and talking across the room even in a low volume during class is unacceptable.
3. I have a right to my opinion, but I am expected to keep it to myself unless I am asked by my teacher to share it.
4. When I respond to questions in writing, I must NOT begin with a pronoun (He, she, it, they, you) , "that," "to," "because," or any other subordinate conjunction. I will use complete sentences which restate the question.
5. I am expected to avoid being loud or disorderly when entering the classroom.
6. I am expected to be careful with the following homonyms:
their- belonging to them
there- in that place
they're- they are
your - belonging to you
you're - you are
its - belonging to it
it's - it is
too - also, very (degree)
7. I will be avoid using the following words in my formal writing: things, stuff, alot of, freaked out, sucks, sucked.
Composition: Title: "My Resolutions for 2010" Write a one page composition about this topic with three detailed 10th grade level paragraphs elaborating on:
1) Your goal(s),
2) Why these goals are important, and
3) Your specific plan for accomplishing these goals.
Please ask for handout when you return.