Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010.

1. Flowers for Algernon writing assignment.

Write two-three thoughtful sentences describing the reactions of the following characters to Charlie's becoming a genius:
1) Ms. Kinnian 2) Dr. Strauss 3) Professor Nemur 4) workers at the bakery 5) Rose
6) Norma 7) Fay 8) Charlie himself. First, number each character, secondly, underline the character's name and place a colon after the name (:), and third, go to the next line and begin your response.
1) Ms. Kinnian:
Ms. Kinnian's response to Charlie's becoming a genius...

2. Vocabulary Quiz III & IV.

3. Complete "Harrison Bergeron" reading questions for homework.

REMINDER: Flowers for Algernon TEST on Monday, 9/13.
REMINDER: Letter of Introduction (typed) due on Wednesday 9/15.